Monday 18 June 2007

Week 25 - Bed PC6 Planting

After clearing out all of the bolting leaf crops and weeds, brassica transplants and bush beans were planted into the empty spaces:
  • Balbriggan Brussels Sprouts (6 transplants) - an Irish landrace variety, 1m tall producing large sprouts with no bitterness.
  • Pacifica Calabrese/Broccoli (6 transplants) - green variety producing a small central head followed by side shoots in late summer to autumn.
  • Hildora Dwarf French Bean (40+ seeds) - an early maincrop variety with yellow round oval pods of up to 14cm in length.
  • Saxa Dwarf French Bean (25+ seeds) - an old variety with early light green round pods, suitable for colder climates.

Brussels Sprout transplant in the center, with a calabrese transplant to the left.

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