Monday 17 September 2007

Week 38 - Bed DD6 Planting

We sowed a cover crop underneath the brassicas:
  • White Clover - a low lying nitrogen fixing crop that is suitable for undersowing
The clover will grow where there is space and light for the next few months and when the brassicas are harvested (or pulled up because they are not growing well), the clover will continue to grow slowly throughout the winter. If the weather is reasonable, the clover will fill the bed and can remain until we are ready to sow into the bed next spring, at which time it can be dug in as a composting crop, adding fertility to the soil, including lots of nitrogen.

Six weeks after transplanting the red cabbages in the middle of the bed remain stunted., the Brussels sprouts are growing well ...

... though not as tall as we would expect at this time of year, probably due to the delay in transplanting.

Some more of the Rhubarb Chard plants are bolting . I am not sure what is causing this variety of chard to go to seed over such a long period of time. None of the Swiss Chard variety have bolted.

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