Monday 1 October 2007

Week 40 - Bed EX6

The lone sprouting broccoli plant in the foreground is still a major focus of the caterpillars' attention. It is tempting to remove this one plant and use the space to plant some overwintering broad beans.

The Thousand Headed Kale plants (viewed from above) are very vigorous and have reached well over 100cm tall ...

... and one of the Gortahork Cabbages is very strong as well.

The three sprouting broccoli plants are less vigorous, partially due to the continual munching by caterpillars, and the Brussels Sprouts (one visible in lower right) are not very big either, and will not produce a substantial crop.

In between the towering brassicas, there is still part of a row of leeks that we never got around to transplanting. Some of them are tiny, but a number of them have grown reasonably large, and are almost the same size as the plants that were transplanted to wider spacing.

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