Monday 2 April 2007

Week 14 - Overview

General view of the context of the plots with four lazy beds of the Extensive Plot in the prepared. This field has been grazed by cattle in recent years, and has probably not been plowed for decades. The infrastructural works for the eco-village is currently underway with the storage and working yard visible in the background. This whole field will be taken up by allotment gardens and a nursery, and will look very different in a few years time.

Four Extensive beds have been prepared by cutting out a 15-25cm deep block of sod, with soil still attached to the grass roots and turning it over in place so that the grass is upside-down. This grass will rot down and provide fertility. The top surface was then chopped up with a sharp spade to produce a seedbed.
The top layer of sod has been cut off the top of the double-dug and single-dug (Polycrop) beds and most of it is set aside in a pile. This will be covered and compost down in to a nice loam for potting soil for the next season.

The first of the double-dug beds, with sod shown removed to the right. The sod from the paths between the beds was removed and chopped up on top of the lower dug section. This will put some fertility deeper into the soil.

The soil here is very stony, particularly in a 'hard pan' layer about 20cm below the surface. We are trying to remove most of these stones. This pile alone is from one third of a bed.

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